The Ultimate Indonesian Food Day Trip!

          The Ultimate Indonesian Food Day Trip!

Our first stop when we drove out of Jakarta and to Bogor was a famous place to eat Bogor style laksa at a restaurant called Laksa Bogor Pak Inin. It was exactly my kind of a restaurant, open air and local, with a wonderful friendly environment. The laksa was unlike any other laksa I’ve ever had, and it was fantastic. Laksa Bogor - 10,000 IDR ($0.72)
Next, we stopped at a place called Toge Goreng Pak Abung, which is another legendary Indonesian food stop in Bogor, Indonesia, and they are famous for serving a bean sprout snack. It was definitely a very interesting dish, including a mixture of bean sprouts and fermented soy beans. Toge Goreng - 7,000 IDR ($0.51)

Next we drove into the beautiful Indonesian countryside and to the house. After having some Indonesian snacks and refreshing coconut, we then took a hike to go look for honey. The beekeeper was sick on the day we went, so we we’re able to get any honey, but it was still a beautiful hike.

The highlight of this Indonesian food trip for me was the Sundanese style Nasi Liwet Botram family feast that we had. All the food was laid out on banana leaves, and we all sat and ate some of the most beautiful and flavorful Indonesian food. It was an incredible culinary experience.

We drove back to Bogor and stopped at Warung Nasi Ampera to eat a quick dinner, and because I wanted to try some ikan pepes. The food was alright, but nothing compared to the lunch feast we had eaten! Total price - 103,000 IDR ($7.46) for 3 plates of food

Finally, back in Jakarta, we stopped near Manga Besar to have some desserts and to finish of this incredible day of Indonesian food. Sekoteng - 12,000 IDR ($0.87), Wedang Ronde - 12,000 IDR ($0.87)

It was an incredible Indonesian food trip to the outskirts of Bogor, and a nice opportunity to get out of Jakarta for the day.

A big thank you to Ken.Gratiana, and her family for inviting us to their house country house and for the amazing food.


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