10 healthy food for a happier life

                          10 healthy food for a happier life

Healthy food can help you lead a healthy and happier life. Our body demands a perfect combination of nutrients. And eating the right food can help you gain all the heath benefits.

Here are 10 nutrient- packed super foods, that will cater everyone with a healthy and nutritious meal. All of these food items also fight diseases, boost energy and help in maintaining an ideal weight.

1. Broccoli Rich in vitamin B6, vitamin E, phosphorus, vitamin B1, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), potassium, copper and many other nutrients, this food item is an equal delight for taste buds. Certain characteristics of broccoli minimize the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Also, it helps in producing collagen inside the body, a protein that helps keep skin remain firm and elastic and stimulates the growth of healthy hair. But one should not overcook it as it destroys many vital compounds of the food item.

2. Oatmeal -  A breakfast with benefits, one bowl of freshly cooked oatmeal serves you with the richness required to kick start the day. Oatmeal is heavy enough for a breakfast and is highly rich in vitamin B, folic acid and potassium. It also drops blood cholesterol levels and helps in weight control. Eating a bowl of oatmeal regularly help fight type two diabetes.

3. Oily fish  The name and properties of this ingredient are completely opposite. The ‘oily’ fish which contains oil in its tissues is also of great advantage to human health. Oily fish is a rich source of  omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Consuming oily fish while breastfeeding or during pregnancy fulfills a child’s requirement of this compound and helps in proper growth of nervous system. Examples of oily fishes are herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, trout and anchovies. It also provides benefits for patients of arthritis and prostate cancer.

4. Garlic A plant of onion family, rich in sulfur compound is known for its amazing health benefits. Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It helps improve iron metabolism. This food item provides many cardiovascular benefits. Eating six or more garlic every week eliminates the risk of colorectal, stomach and prostate cancer.

5. Walnut When simplest foods are being talked about, walnut is the king. Walnut has the ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Eating walnuts triggers reproductive health in men. Also, walnuts contain certain anti-oxidants which are found in very few edible items. It helps fight aging. Because of the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, it is beneficial for heart. Apart from this, eating walnuts daily helps control blood pressure and also is a perfect source of vitamin E. Moreover, walnuts strengthen one’s immunity system and relieve stress. One can consume walnuts as it is or can add it on the top of dishes and also in drinks.

6. Green leafy vegetables Aren’t moms always stuck to one tune- eat green vegetables? And children have always cribbed about the same. But she was always right. Natural ingredient, inexpensive and the most health benefits one can derive from. Helpful in lowering the risk of heart diseases, controlling weight issues, balanced source of vitamin A,B,C,E and K, green leafy vegetables provide you with a lot more benefits. They are rich in innumerable nutrients. They are essential for bone health and are also of advantage for people suffering from type two diabetes.

7. Apple  An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well this age old saying goes nowhere wrong. Considering the health benefits one can acquire from an apple, it is the best fruit to eat. Apple has its own unique nutritional profile. From benefiting the teeth to the heart, an apple provides benefit to almost every part of our body. It helps whiten teeth as well as acts as a guard for tooth decay. Also, it reduces the risk of all sorts of cancers and the risk for diabetes. An apple serves one with indiscriminate health benefits. It strengthens immune systems, fights high cholesterol level also assists in weight management.

8. Blueberries The topping on the cake or the dried blueberry in ice creams, every form of blueberry is nutritious. Blueberries are rich in fiber and antioxidants. A tool against ageing, blueberries also keep a note of blood cholesterol. It triggers brain functioning and boosts memory of a person. They help in curbing obesity. They also help treat neurodegenerative disorders And ladies, they also help in reducing belly fat!

9. Almonds This ancient beloved food ingredient has been serving health benefits for centuries now. They are a rich source of magnesium, vitamin E, calcium, fiber, iron and riboflavin. A healthy snack to hop one which one can eat every now and then. It is a food that helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Consuming almonds helps prevent heart diseases, diabetes and also controls overeating and sugar levels in body. Also, it prolongs life as it lowers the risk of death due to heart disease and cancer.

10. Wheat germ Wheat germ can make a staggering difference in daily nutritional intake. Wheat germ is a natural weight loss food. It is one of the best source of folic acid. It is high in several vital nutrients such as vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, essential fatty acids and fiber. It also boosts energy.

These super simple foods may boost your health in plentiful ways. Some items can be eaten as a breakfast meal while other can fulfill the mid-day snack cravings. Some can also be added to deserts and still be nutritious. So, one can stock the kitchen with these vigorous foods to ensure a healthy-tasty-nutritious-disease free diet. Better health could be as easy as reaching for these super foods. A diet planned by nature!


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